


WOW™ Saddles


"WOW" & "The Modular Saddle" are trade marks of First thought Equine Ltd.  WOW saddles and their component parts are protected by both...


World Wide Patent Pending PCT/GB2003/001654 & 

Registered Designs Rights 3007370, 3005548, 3007371, 3007372, 3007373




"Flair" Is a register trade mark and is protected by patent EC 0764607. 

Ride on Air...™ & "Saddlery for the 21st Century" are trademarks of First Thought Equine Ltd.



Korrector is protected by patent PCT/GB02/01185.  "Korrector" & "Makes the difference!" are trademarks of First Thought Equine Ltd.


Equiform™ & Equifill™

"Equiform" & "Equifill" are trade marks of First Thought Equine Ltd.



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