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Flair has been independently tested using the most up to date pressure testing mat manufactured by Novell and is called the Pliance system.  

You can learn more about Pliance by visiting their web site www.pliance.com 

Please note this print out is not Flair and comes from the Pliance website and is purely to demonstrate the system in action.
This mat has 256 inch square sensors that are placed under the saddle like a numnah.  The mat gives a pressure picture every 25ms or 40 frames per second.   In this way we can get the best understanding of what goes on under the saddle.

The testing was carried out by a Master Saddler of almost 3 decades experience and he set out to prove that he could flock a saddle as well with wool as we can with Flair.  He couldn't.  

The pressure testing results document you can download show the comparison of the same Rider, Saddle & Horse, before and after conversion to Flair.  The Saddle was firstly re-flocked with new wool to the best of the Master Saddler's ability before testing it.   Then it was converted to the Flair system.  The maps show mean (average) over the period the saddle was under test.

You can download the Flair Test Results by clicking on the saddles below.  There are two files one is compressed using Win Zip the other is not.  Both require Acrobat reader to view the file.  If you have got Acrobat reader we strongly suggest you get it as everyone uses it!





Download Pressure testing results in Acrobat PDF File Format not compressed in Winzip.  This will automatically try to open Acrobat on your machine, if you haven't got Acrobat Reader it won't open, so download Acrobat first.

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